
Casting and production history resource

Operabook.org is Opera Europa’s custom-made online tool for opera professionals. It is a multi-database platform which hosts historic production and casting information since season 2011-2012 for over 450 companies worldwide, with performance dates and casts.

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Not an Opera Europa member?

Opera companies and agents worldwide may take out a subscription to Operabook.

Opera Europa member access: included in your membership fee
Opera company access: 750€/calendar year
Opera America PCM and OLA member: 600€/calendar year
Please contact company@operabook.org for more information.

Artists may submit changes to their profile page for free to casting@operabook.org

Artist agents may update their roster for free by e-mailing agent@operabook.org.
For full access to the historic data, agents may subscribe to Operabook.
Special 2024 offer: free Operabook subscription for 2024!
Please contact agent@operabook.org to activate your access.