The Dramaturgy Forum brings together opera directors, dramaturges, communication specialists, editors and independent producers to share ideas, issues, experiences and tools in a caring and supportive environment.
Members of the steering group:
Diána Eszter Mátrai, Dramaturg, Hungarian State Opera
Hedda Høgåsen-Hallesby, Dramaturg, Norwegian National Opera
Luc Joosten, Head of Dramaturgy, Dutch National Opera
Patricie Částková, Opera Dramaturg, National Theatre Brno
Tatjana Ažman, Dramaturg, Slovenian National Opera
Timothée Picard, Dramaturg, Festival d’Aix-en-Provence
Thomas Böckstiegel, Opera director, Theater Heidelberg
For more information about the Dramaturgy forum and to register to their e-mail listserv and receive their latest news, please contact: